Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Love's Grief

Since the beginning of time when Adam was caretaker of the plants and animals in the Garden of Eden - he noticed that every one of these species had a mate but he was the only one of his kind! The Lord remedied the situation by giving Adam a female companion. She was called Eve and was to be his mate to support and assist Adam in their walk through life. The Lord declared that they should be fruitful and multiply. But as with all good things it never lasts. As everyone knows an apple came between them and so began “The Battle of the Sexes!”

And since the fall from the Garden of Eden; man and woman have competed against one another for power in the union of matrimony. Instead of reveling in one’s love for another; throughout the ages many couples have problems with jealousy, envy and lust. Then as now couples are jealous of others’ love lives; envious of how many possessions another couple has; or just plan lusting after another person’s mate. People waste more energy, emotions and time on those thoughts. For some couples it completely takes over their life. Somehow they forget about the love that brought them together in the first place. They forget about the beautiful wedding vows they spoke to one another during the marriage ceremony. It alienates them to such an extent that they do not even realize their actions. For example next time you are in a restaurant start to observe some of the couples’ reaction to one another. Instead of talking to one another and sharing experiences many of the couples just sit there and stare out into space. No longer enjoying each other’s company but just waiting to get over the ordeal of dinner; so they can go back home and retreat into their separate rooms and turn on the television.

It is very sad to see unhappy couples look for greener pastures. It has become common place these days for people to ignore their wedding vows and began to seek out extramarital affairs as if that is going to solve their problems. Instead it only adds to the misery of a person’s life. Remember there is nothing new under the sun. People want an easy fix. They are more than willing to seek out friends or if that fails to look in the Self-Help section of the bookstore to find the answer. There are so many books published each year on how to have a relationship; how to be desirable in the bedroom; or how to catch a man or woman. It has become a multi-million dollar industry!

There is an easier way, instead look to oneself; stop dreaming and wishing for Prince Charming or a Sex Goddess to be the one to sweep you off your feet and solve your every problem. Instead of daydreaming - assess your situation and use the energy to gain back the love you both discovered at the beginning of the relationship. Remember that kernel of love and desire? It may be a fading ember but with time you will be able to fan the flames of desire once more. It will take time as with everything – anything worthwhile takes time. Invest the time you usually spend in front of a television to nurture the love and respect with your other half. Remember the grass is not always greener in another’s backyard but it can be greener in yours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shar, beautiful description of how some view marriage. Hopefully someone who really needs that article will read it and save themselves a whole lot of grief. Nothing could be more true. God Bless